Kamis, 25 November 2010

final semester 1

Posted by khairunnisa at 22.48 0 comments

On Sunday , Dec 1th 2010 to finish we will hold an odd semester final exams. All students are expected to learn in earnest.

Thank you for your attention.

Sabtu, 13 November 2010

Pleasure Expression

Posted by khairunnisa at 20.45 0 comments
Pleasure Expression :
  • Yes, I like it
  • I'm very happy to hear that.
  • etc.

Accepting and Canceling an Appointment

Posted by khairunnisa at 19.54 0 comments
Accepting :
  • Yes, I think so..
  • Sure, that be fine.
  • Yes, sure.
  • Of course.
  • Thanks a lot.
  • Thank you very much.
  • I'd like it very much.
  • Thank you . I would.
  • That would be very nice.
  • It's a deal.
  • All right, see you there.
  • etc.

Canceling :
  • I'm sorry, I'm busy.
  • Sorry, I don't think so.
  • No, I can't
  • No, thank you
  • No, I don't.
  • No, I really won't, thank you.
  • No, thanks. I'm not hungry.
  • Not for me thanks.
  • etc.
For example :
  • Canceling
Rabin : Would you mind my home today?
Sinta : No. I can't.

  • Accepting
Fitri : Hello Dery! Would you come to my home today?
Dery : All right, see you there.
Fitri : O.K.


Posted by khairunnisa at 02.31 1 comments
Invitation used to invite someone or people can be a letter or oral.

Don't Forget :
  • What
  • When
  • Where

Offering Invitation :
  • I'd like you to.....?
  • I'd like to ask you to....?
  • Would you like to....?
  • How about + Ving
  • Let's .....
Use V1 or tobe

For example :
Midun : Would you like to come my garden party tomorrow morning at my house?
Kecol : Sure, it's really good. See you tomorrow morning.
Midun : see you to.

Sympathy Expression

Posted by khairunnisa at 02.06 0 comments
Sympathy Expression is an expression or feeling of pity and sorrow when we know and see someone or people are unlucky or have trouble and in bad condition .By expressing sympathy we want to show our concern or carefulness on other people ‘s condition.

Expression of Sympathy :
  • never mind!
  • Cheer up!
  • Don't worry about it!
  • Don't let it worry you.
  • Don't let it get you down.
  • It is not the end of the world.
For Example :
Donis : I don't believe it, I decided Sindy because I don't have much money.
Karan : It isn't the end of the world. You must forget it and look for a new girlfriend. O.K
Donis : Hmmm... O.K My friend, thanks you very much for your advice

Recount Text

Posted by khairunnisa at 01.46 0 comments
Recount Text is a text or story that happens in the past, or story about personal experience in the past.

There are 3 Steps in telling recount :
1. Orientation : Introduce person, place, the time, preparation, etc.
2. Events : Introduce the events in story.
3. Reorientation : Introduce what to do after the events.

Formula :
  • Verbal sentence
(+) S + V1 + O
(-) S + did nont + V1 + O
(?) Did + S + V1 + O ?
  • Nominal Sentence
(+) S + Was/Were + O
(-) S + Was/Were + Not + O
(?) Was/Were + S + O ?

Time signal :
  • Yesterday.
  • last week.
  • last month.
  • last year.
  • ago.
  • etc.

Showing Attention

Posted by khairunnisa at 01.09 0 comments
Showing attention is giving someone recognition, showing affection is giving someone love. Attention can be given without a physical emotion being attached to it, but affection comes from a feeling within a person.

For Example :
  • Really?
  • What's next?
  • And then what?
  • It's that all?
  • Oh, yes.
  • I see.
  • How Interesting.
  • I know that you mean.
  • Tell me more about it.
  • You look fantastic.
  • You look brilliant
  • You are different today.
  • etc.
Example :
Raju : Dery, I have good news for you, yesterday I got one in the race champion quiz
Dery : Ohhh...Really...?
Raju : Yes. I'm very happy for it.
Dery : congratulations to you.
Raju : Thank you my best friend.


Posted by khairunnisa at 00.59 0 comments
Advertisement is notice or publication, promotion commonly about a product or service, it's through radio, television, magazine, newspaper, etc.

Characteristics Ads

Ads have several characteristics, among others:

a. A paid form of communication.
Nonpersonal communication.
c. Using mass media as
massifikasi message.
d. Using the identified sponsor.
e. Is to persuade audiences.
f. Aiming to reach as many audiences.

Ad Type :

a. Informative Advertising

-This ad has the following characteristics:
- Aiming to establish or create awareness / recognition and knowledge about the product or new features of existing products.

- Inform change of price and product packaging.
- Explain how the product.
- Reducing consumers' fears.
- Correcting the product.

b. Persuasive Advertising

This ad has the characteristic as follows:
- Aiming to create a preference, preference and belief that consumers want to buy and use goods and services.
Mempersuasif audience to choose a particular brand.
- Encourage to buy.
- Changing consumer perceptions.
- Persuade to buy now.

c. Reminder Ads

This ad has the following characteristics:

-Aiming to encourage re-purchase of goods and services.

- Reminding that a product has a possibility would be needed in the near future.

- Remind customers where to buy the product.

- Maintain awareness of the product (consumer's state of mind).

- Maintain good relations with customers.

Simple Ads

a. Informative Advertising

- Coca Cola Ad

These ads classified ads informative as it tells the audience about the product, packaging and the latest prices. It also promotes ease when buying new products

b. Persuasive Ads

- Samsung Slim Fit TV Ads

This ad is a persuasive advertisement for attempting mempersuasif TV audience to buy the Samsung brand in a way to inform the quality and advantages which owned the

Samsung, so the audience can change the perception of another brand TV and think the Samsung is superior.

c. Reminder Ads

- Ads Vita Zone

This ad is a reminder ad because it reminds the audience that Vita Zone has likely will be necessary in the near future, which at the time of the fasting month when the ad is

published (this ad was published on September 27th, 2006).

The function of ad

Marketing function is a function to sell information about goods, services or ideas through the media

Communication Functions

The function of communication is an effort to provide lighting and information about products, giving the message that smelled of education, creating a message that is

entertaining and influencing audiences to close and always buy and use the product regularly.

Education Functions

Through the ad, people can learn something from that read, watched or heard. audiences can consume the appropriate product for the brand and the brand to improve the

lifestyle for the better.

Economic Functions

Economic benefits gained their audience through advertising is more easily access the necessary products that can make audiences cost efficient.

Social Functions

In social functions, advertising help drive audiences to better behavior.

Agreement of Invitation

Posted by khairunnisa at 00.36 0 comments
Agreement of invitation is expression the use for declare our agreement to something opinion, idea, suggestion, or invite.

Formula :
S + Agreement

Function of agreement an invitation someone.

Invite someone expressions :
  • Would you like to....?
  • I would like you to...?
  • Shall we...?
  • How about....?
  • We would be pleased if you could....?
  • etc.

Accepting/agreement an invitation :
  • You are right.
  • It's a good idea.
  • I'm quite impressed on your suggestion.
  • Thank you. I would like to...
  • etc.
Example :
Unul : Would you like to have lunch in Siang Sore with me tomorrow?
Vesi : You are right.
Unul : let's meet here at 1 pm.
Vesi : O.K. See you next time.

Selasa, 09 November 2010

Giving Intruction

Posted by khairunnisa at 04.00 0 comments
Giving Intruction is a sentence which aims to give a command to the person, the order can be either directly or in writing sentences at a place such as a command to turn on the computer.

There are 2 kinds of intruction
1. Positive command
V1 + O

2. Negative command
Don't +V1 + O
No + V1 +O

Example :
  • Nisa : Apni, can you help me?
Apni : Yes.
Nisa : Please get a pen in my bag !
Apni : O.K. This pen.
Nisa : Thank you Apni.

  • Don't open the window
  • No smoking

Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010


Posted by khairunnisa at 03.35 0 comments
Announcement is spoke/written information/ news which is informed to many peoples from specific purpose. must be short, clear, and understandable.

Part of announcement :
1. Time
2. Place
3. Program

for example

Informed to all students in the class, that there will have the OSIS meeting on friday, oct 21 2010, in senior high schoolyard. Started at 7.00 am till finish using the completely attribute. Thank you for your attention.

Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

Prosedure text

Posted by khairunnisa at 00.42 0 comments
Parts include :
1. Goal
2. Materials
3. Steps

How to make Italian Spaghetti Carbonara

  • 1 C. pancetta, cut into julienne strips
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1/2 C. heavy cream
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 8 oz. spaghetti pasta
  • 1 C. parmesan cheese, grated
Steps :
  1. In a large saute pan, cook pancetta over a medium flame to render the fat and crisp the pancetta. Set aside pan with pancetta.
  2. Beat the egg yolks with the cream and black pepper.
  3. In a large pot of boiling salted water, cook the pasta and drain in a colander. Do not rinse the pasta, which will cause it to lose its flavor and starch.
  4. Immediately add the pasta to the pancetta in the saute pan and pour in the cream mixture.
  5. Stir over medium heat for one minute. Add the grated parmesan and toss to coat the pasta. Check for seasoning. Top with more parmesan if you desire.
NOTICE : Serves 4.

Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

Past Tense

Posted by khairunnisa at 02.26 0 comments
Past tense is used to retell the events of the past.
There are two formulas in the past tense :Verbal sentence :(+) S + V2 + O (-) S + did not + VI + O(?) Did + S + VI + O
Nominal sentence :(+) S + tobe (Was/were) + O(-) S + did not + (Was/Were) + O(?) Was/Were + S + O

Minggu, 26 September 2010

Narrative text

Posted by khairunnisa at 03.51 0 comments


On Christmas Eve, people walked with a happy face filled the street in the city. On the road there was a little girl dressed in rags was selling matches. "Want to buy a book of matches?" "Mommy, buy this match." "I do not need matches, because at home there are many." No one who buys from her match.
But, if he came home without bringing money from the sale of matches, would be beaten by his father. When will cross the street.
Grek! Grek! Suddenly a carriage horse ran fast. "Hyaaa! beware!" The girl jumped in surprise. At that time he wore shoes off and thrown somewhere. While the next shoe fell across the road. When she intends to go to pick it up, a boys picked up the shoes and fled. "Well, I find good stuff."
Finally the girl's bare feet. All around, matches are scattered. It can not be sold anymore. If you come home this way, he can not imagine how the punishment to be received from his father. What may make, she took the remaining matches, then run very tired.Saw the bright light from the window of a house. When the girl went to her, came the sound of happy laughter in the house.
At home, which was warmed by a fire hearth, and residents are seen enjoying a delicious Christmas meal. The girl was brought to tears. "When the mother is still alive, also celebrate Christmas at my house like this." From the window visible flicker Christmas tree and the kids are happy to receive many gifts.Finally the light around the window disappeared, and all around him fell silent.
Cold snow continues to fall. Shivering with cold, she sat crushed by the outpouring of snow.
Stomach feels hungry and can not be moved. The girl who was cold, exhale, exhale the breath into the hands. However, not one bit warm. "If I lit a match, it might be a little warm." Then she lit a match with menggoreskannya on the wall.
Crrrs Then from within came a heated flame.
"Oh, the warmth." The girl raised her hand toward the stove. At the time the fire was extinguished furnace pemanaspun disappeared. The girl lit a match stick to the second. This time the flames appeared from various kinds of dishes.
In front of her eyes, stood a table covered with warm food.
"Wow! It looks good." Then roast a goose flying toward him. But when he tried to reach out, the fire was extinguished and the dish had disappeared. The girl immediately took a match flame, then turn it on again. Crrrs!
Suddenly, the girl has been under a huge Christmas tree. "Wow! More beautiful than a Christmas tree visible from the window was."In it there are a lot of Christmas tree candles are lit. "Wow! Lovely!"The girl stretched out her hand involuntarily and lighters swaying in the wind. However, the candle light rose into the sky and the increasingly dim. Then turn into a star very much.
One of the star quickly became the star switch. "Well, tonight there is someone who died and went to the place of God, yes ... When my grandmother was alive, I was told by him." Gazing at the sky, the girl told her grandmother who remembered kindly. Then she lit a candle again. Then in the light of the fire appeared beings who missed Grandmother. Smiling, she stretched out his hand toward the girl.
"Grandma!" Feeling dream girl jumped into the arms of my grandmother. "Oh, Grandma, I had long wanted to see '" She tells the events that happened, in the arms of his beloved grandmother."Why is Grandma going to leave me alone? Do not go again. Take me away to where my grandmother." At that time a match that burned the boy went out. "Ah, if the fire is dead, my grandmother would go too. Like the heating furnace and the food was ..."
The girl was immediately collect the remaining matches, then rub it all. The roll was burnt matchsticks, and illuminate the surroundings like day harl. Grandma hugged her tightly. With the shrouded light, the grandmother and the girl went up to the sky with gently."Grandma, we want to go where?" "To where God is."
Both higher and higher into the sky. My grandmother said gently to her, "If you get to heaven, Your mother is waiting and preparing delicious food for us." The girl laughed delightedly. In the morning.People passing by on the street to find a match seller girl face down in the snow. "Emergency! This little girl passed out in a place like this." "Quick call the doctor!"
The people who gathered around him all deplored the death of the girl. Mothers who refused to buy a book of matches on the night yesterday with a loud cry and said, "Poor you, son. If there was no place to go, should I put into the house." The people of the girl's funeral held at church, and pray to God that they do friendly despite the poor.

Sabtu, 25 September 2010


Posted by khairunnisa at 14.02 0 comments
Afternoon, in the Shopping Center.

Steven : Good afternoon Jeni.... how are you to day?
Jeni : Good afternoon Steven, I'm fine and how about you?
Steven : Verry well, thank you. Anyway, this is my girlfriend. Her name is Tika. Tika This is my Friend. Her name is Jeni.
Tika : How do you do Jeni.
Jeni : How do you do Tika. Nice to meet you.
Tika : Nice to meet you too Jen.
Steven : What are you doing Jen?
Jeni : I'm shopping, and you?
Steven : Oh... We are looking for clothes.
Jeni : Hmm.... Anyway, I'll go home now because my mother is sick.
Steven : Hopefully your mom a speedy recovery.
Jeni : I hope so and see you next time. bye... bye...

Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

Posted by khairunnisa at 03.26 0 comments
1. 8W + 1H
1. What did you say about me?
What were you ripe?
2. When did your father buy this car?
When was he dead?
3. Where did you buy this book?
Where were you yesterday?
4. Why did they go to Yogyakarta?
Why was she angry last night?
5. Which did dictionary you have?
Which were you like?
6. Whom did you ask last week?
Whom was absent yesterday?
7. Whose did dictionary I bring Last month?
Whose were last week?
8. Who did beat your head?
Who were you like?

2. Did you read novel last week? yes, I did
Were you happy? yes, I was

3. They didn't go to yogyakarta last year and they were not rich.

4. She went to Bali yesterday and she was very happy.

Rabu, 28 Juli 2010


Posted by khairunnisa at 04.18 0 comments
*Verb Sentence is a sentence which the verb(verb) uses as said core(main word) in the sentence.
Example :
1. I go to shool at 6.15 a.m
2. Cany cooks soup in the kichen
3. We play volleyball on sunday
4. We eat our lunch
5. Mother preparies our breakfast.

*Nominal Sentence is a sentence that uses the noun(noun) as a core word(main word) on the sentence.
Example :
1. I am on the chair
2. We are in Papua
3. They are in the car
4. she is in the class
5. Cholil is here


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